Why Asset Management is important to solve water systems’ problems in the development context

Why Asset Management is important to solve water systems’ problems in the development context

Does world-wide water infrastructure coverage fulfil the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: “Ensure access to water and sanitation to all”? It would be great to answer this question with a confident ‘yes’ and considering the institutional efforts made and the increase in the number of water systems, we should be celebrating our progress towards this SDG. However, it is not that simple. When a water system is built, ongoing efforts are required to keep water flowing. For example, the latest reports (2014) from Nepal show that only 50% of the water systems in country are functioning well [1]. This implies that most people in rural areas still do not have access to this vital liquid, or face serious constraints. For example, receiving water only for a limited number of hours per…
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When water systems break down

When water systems break down

Why Asset Management is important to solve water systems’ problems in the development context Does world-wide water infrastructure coverage fulfil the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: “Ensure access to water and sanitation to all”? It would be great to answer this question with a confident ‘yes’ and considering the institutional efforts made and the increase in the number of water systems, we should be celebrating our progress towards this SDG. However, it is not that simple. When a water system is built, ongoing efforts are required to keep water flowing. For example, the latest reports (2014) from Nepal show that only 50% of the water systems in country are functioning well [1]. This implies that most people in rural areas still do not have access to this vital liquid, or face…
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विकास सन्दर्भमा खानेपानी प्रणालीका समस्याहरू समाधान गर्न किन सम्पत्ति व्यवस्थापन (एसेट म्यानेजमेन्ट) महत्त्वपूर्ण छ

विकास सन्दर्भमा खानेपानी प्रणालीका समस्याहरू समाधान गर्न किन सम्पत्ति व्यवस्थापन (एसेट म्यानेजमेन्ट) महत्त्वपूर्ण छ

के विश्वभरि बनेका खानेपानीका आधारभूत संरचनाहरुले दिगो विकास लक्ष्य (SDG) ६: "सबैकालागि स्वच्छ पानी सरसफाइको उपलब्धता तथा दिगो व्यवस्थापन सुनिश्चित र सरसफाइको पहुँच सुनिश्चित गर्ने” पूरा गर्छ? यस प्रश्नको जवाफ ढुक्कका साथ 'हो' भनेर दिनु ठूलो कुरा हुनेछ र संस्थागत प्रयास र खानेपानी योजनाको संख्यामा भएको वृद्धिलाई ध्यानमा राख्दै हामीले यस दिगो विकासका लक्ष्यतर्फ भएको प्रगतिमा उत्सव मनाइरहनुपर्छ । तथापि, यो त्यति सजिलो कुरा होइन । जब खानेपानी योजना निर्माण हुन्छ, पानी संचालन भइरहनका लागि निरन्तर प्रयत्नको आवश्यक पर्दछ । उदाहरणका लागि, नेपालको पछिल्लो रिपोर्ट (२०१४) ले देशमा रहेका ५०% खानेपानी योजनाहरु मात्र राम्ररी काम गरिरहेको देखाउँछ[१]  यसको अर्थ, ग्रामीण क्षेत्रका अधिकांश मानिसहरूले अझै पनि यो अत्यावश्यक तरल पदार्थ पाउन सकेका छैनन् वा गम्भीर अवरोधहरूको सामना गरेका छन् । उदाहरणका लागि, प्रति दिन सीमित घण्टा मात्र र/वा गुणस्तरहीन पानी प्राप्‍त…
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