Under the WASH SDG Phase II program, CIUD has been promoting asset management (AMP) as a operation and management tool to ensure a long term functionality and sustainability of the water supply systems and to optimize their services. So far CIUD has prepared asset management plans for three community owned water supply systems and has validated the tool as well.
In order to share the knowledge and experience of making the AMP plan with the key development partners, who have been associated with drinking water projects, and also to collect feedbacks and comments from them to make the tool precise and comprehensive, CIUD organized a two-day knowledge sharing workshop on Nov 3 and 4, 2022 at Hotel Kutumba in Lalitpur.
The participants of the training were Department of Water Supply and Sanitation Management, Town Development Fund, the WAI consortium partners as well as other donor agencies.
Mr. Mingma Gyaltzen Sherpa, Country Coordinator, Simavi Nepal welcomed the participants and highlighted the program objective and also briefed about the WASH SDG program.
The technical sessions of the program consisted all the components of the AM tool such as key approach and methodology, preparing stock inventory of the physical assets, risk assessment, preparing maintenance plan, allocating budget for the maintenance, determining service levels, financial planning with development of a cash flow for fifteen years.
The training was led by Engineer Drona P Koirala as the key trainer and Mr. Sudarshan Rajbhandari, Acting Executive Director. Ms. Judith de Bruijne from Practica Foundation (The Netherlands) also shared her experience of making AM plans for the community-based water supply systems in Ghana, Uganda, Mozambique, Kenya and Bangladesh.
The participants expressed that the new tool was very relevant and useful for ensuring a long term functionality and sustainability of the drinking water supply system and praised for the tools developed for preparing data base of various components of the plan and suggested to improve it to make it a common document for all partners working on drinking water sectors.
Prof Dr. Sangeeta Singh, Chairperson of CIUD, handed over the certificates to all the participants.