Under the project Participatory Training 4 Sustainable Waste Governance: South-South Knowledge Transfer Program (A R4D Transformation Acceleration Grant or TAG Project), CIUD handed over an electric rickshaw to the Kirtipur Municipality to support municipality’s centralized bio medical waste management initiation, on Dec 29, 2022. The rickshaw was handed over by Mr. Subarna N Joshi, Admin and Finance Manager, CIUD, to Ms. Shuva Laxmi Shakya, Deputy Mayor of the Kirtipur Municipality. Also, present in the program were Mr. Laxmi P Banskota, Chief Administrative Officer, Er. Rupesh Maharjan, Chairperson of Ward 1, Mr. Hira Lal Maharjan, Chairperson for ward 2, Mr. Santaman Manandhar, Head, Department of Health, and Mr. Gyan Bazra Maharjan, WASH Focal Person and Anuj Pradhan, Department of Social Development, from Kirtipur Municipality, and the representatives of Lions Club/Blood Bank from Tribhuvan University.

The rickshaw, with four cabins, will be collecting four types of bio-medical wastes (pathological wastes, sharps and needles, infectious wastes and expired medicines) from one hospital and twelve health care centers of the municipality to the common facility where they will be treated before processing them further such as recycling.
The rickshaw will be operated by the municipality including human resource as well as regular maintenances.

Centre for Integrated Urban Development (CIUD), in technical collaboration with University of Lausanne and eawag from Switzerland, Centre for Environment and Development (CED) from India and in financial support from Swiss National Science Foundation under the Research for Development (R4D) program, has been implementing the TAG project since 2021.