UNHABITAT Regional Director visit Gamcha

Gamcha - an ultra-poor community in Kirtipur Municipality of Kathmandu was visited by Mr.Yoshinobu Fukasawa, Regional Director at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) based in Fukuoka, Japan. He had arrived in Kathmandu to participate in the ‘International Conference on Nepal’s Reconstruction 2015’ held on 25th June, 2015. After the conference, he visited one of the communities where CIUD has supported the communities build their temporary shelters before the monsoon started. (more…)
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Keep our Earth Clean even during the time of disaster

The message was clear loud and clear “Keep our Earth Clean even during the time of disaster; and use toilets to stay healthy”. CIUD stayed committed to promote WASH also at this time of disaster, and hence during 16th National Sanitation Week CIUD (5th to 11th June 2015) coordinated with District WASH Clusters of Lalitpur, Kavre and Sindhuli to celebrate the sanitation week to help the vulnerable communities. (more…)
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Kamalamai Municipality and CIUD team distributing relief materials

‘Some wards are safe, but some wards are very much affected by the disastrous earthquake’, says Mr. BinodKhakural - staff of Kamalamai Municipality. Hence CIUD requested WAN for urgent relief support, and thus Piyush, ORS packets, 150 tarpaulin sheets, 100 sets of hygiene kits, 50 sets of buckets with jars and cleaning materials were provided to the municipality. (more…)
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An orientation programme on the menstrual hygiene was conducted in Nala on 20th May 2015 jointly by CIUD and NFCC with financial support of Water Aid. The Hygiene kits including 1 bar of soap and 2 pouch of sanitary pad were distributed to female of 15 to 49 years old during the programme. In the meantime,female members of the community were oriented about the hand washing techniques and water purification method as well. Altogether 313 females from ward no 1 to 4 and 172 female of ward no 7 were benefitted by the programme. (more…)
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Post-Earthquake Support – TanaGaun

Post-Earthquake Support – TanaGaun

“We need some bags of rice to feed the needy families. We have lost our settlement, and we have not yet got even adequate tents, and now we are very scared due to the onset of monsoon” says MrPremNagarkoti, a community person of TanaGaun, Khadgabhadrakali VDC of Kathmandu district. (more…)
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Support to Sankhu community

Support to Sankhu community

CIUD has visited Sankhu and coordinated with the municipality office and local youth. Primarily CIUD has provided relief materials to the earthquake affected families. Tarpaulins (50), blankets (50), mosquito nets (150) and phenyl were provided in coordination with municipality and local ward level committees.   Supporting the local communities with relief materials, Sankhu (more…)
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CIUD support to Khokana earthquake victims

In most of the urban core communities, the poor have been deeply affected as the old mud-mortar houses have collapsed due to the earthquake of 25th April 2015. People of Khokana have suffered like-wise and human casualties have caused deeper sorrow. CIUD provided relief materials in Khokana with financial support UN HABITAT. Blankets, piyush (water chlorination solution) and phenyl were provided to the community. These blankets were distributed to elderly people. (more…)
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